Monday, July 20, 2020

Understanding the Dynamics of Workaholism

Understanding the Dynamics of Workaholism P???l? ?ft?n ??? ??u ??n n?v?r b? a ?u?????ful individual unless you ?r? h?rdw?rking and most times, th?? ?r? right.S?m? ?f u? wh? play hard wi?h w? ??uld w?rk as h?rd, th?t i?, become workaholics.It’? ??tu?ll? di?????inting when w? ??n’t.Despite how much we wish to work harder to pay back that student loan or get our dream car or even that dream house, there is a downside to working too hard.What h????n? when you ?r? all work and no ?l???Th? fact i? th?t t?? mu?h ?f everything is b?d, ?v?n w?rk!Yea, I didn’t think th?t qu?t? w?? ???li??bl? t? hard w?rk, but it i?. It’s so b?d th?t it even g?t a name, WORKAHOLIC! Or WORKAHOLISM!!“We’re not in this life just to work, we’re in it to live.” Cecelia Ahern, The Gift Th? t?rm w?rk?h?li?m w?? coined in fun by ?n Am?ri??n professor ?f r?ligi?n W??n? O?t??wh? was ?tt?m?ting to describe hi? ?wn r?l?ti?n?hi? with work.Later, in th? inaugural b??k on workaholism, ?nd ?n ? m?r? serious n?t? thi? time, Oates ??n???tu?liz?d th? b?h? vi?ur ?? an ?x????iv? ?nd un??ntr?ll?bl? need to w?rk in?????ntl? that di?turb? health, h???in???, and r?l?ti?n?hi??.Paul Th?rn? ?nd Mi?h??l J?hn??n, ?uth?r? ?f “Workaholism”, d?fin? a w?rk?h?li? as “? person wh??? need to work has b???m? so excessive th?t it di?turb? ?h??i??l health, ??r??n?l happiness, int?r??r??n?l r?l?ti?n? ?r th? ?bilit? t? function ???i?ll?.” (l??rn more ?b?ut W?rk?h?li?m)S?, f?r practical ?ur????? th?n, wh?t i? th? meaning ?f workaholic? If you find ??ur??lf unable t? ?t?? w?rking, t?lking and thinking about w?rk ?ll h?ur? of th? d?? ?nd night, th?r?? a high likelihood that ??u ?r? ?ith?r:?n the verge ?f b???ming a w?rk?h?li?; or??u ?r? a workaholic.T?k? a W?rk?h?li? Quiz.Sin?? th?n, r????r?h on w?rk?h?li?m h?? been plagued by di??gr??m?nt? surrounding h?w to d?fin? ?nd m???ur? th? ??n?tru?t.For ?x?m?l?, workaholism has b??n d?fin?d as ?n ?ddi?ti?n to w?rk, ?nd a syndrome ??m?ri??d ?f high drive, high w?rk inv?lv?m?nt ?nd low w?rk enjoyment.Th?? ??tu? ll? w?rk th?t hard with?ut ?nj??ing any ??rt ?f th? job.In ?n effort to reconcile the varied ??r????tiv??, Cl?rk, Mi?h?l, Zhdanova, Pui B?lt?? id?ntifi?d k?? commonalities across the varied definitions ?nd u??d th?m t? f?rm a ??m?r?h?n?iv? d?finiti?n that includes th? f?ll?wing components.Feeling ??m??ll?d t? w?rk b???u?? ?f int?rn?l ?r???ur??.H?ving ??r?i?t?nt thoughts about w?rk wh?n not working.W?rking beyond wh?t i? reasonably ?x???t?d ?f the worker (?? ??t?bli?h?d by th? r?quir?m?nt? ?f th? j?b ?r b??i? ???n?mi? needs) despite the potential f?r n?g?tiv? consequences (?.g., marital issues).Thi? t??? ?f ?ddi?ti?n is ??n?id?r?d ?n? ?f th? “n?w b?h?vi?ur?l addictions” ?? n? ?ddi?tiv? ?ub?t?n?? i? t?k?n by th? individual.It’s ?lm??t ??nfu?ing to ??? w?rk i? addictive.Fr?m the ????nd h?lf of th? tw?nti?th ??ntur? ?nw?rd?, r????r?h?r? have focused th?ir ?tt?nti?n on various f?rm? ?f behavioural addictions such as ?h??i??l ?x?r?i??, compulsive shopping, ?l??ing ??m?ut?r g?m??, g ?mbling, ?x????iv? internet u?? and ?v?n ?ddi?ti?n t? th? Rubik Cub?.The Di?gn??ti? and St?ti?ti??l M?nu?l of M?nt?l Disorders (DSM-IV) m?k?? n? m?nti?n of workaholism, but in the section d?v?t?d t? th? ?b????iv? ??m?ul?iv? personality di??rd?r, it r?f?r? t? ?x????iv? d?v?ti?n t? w?rk and productivity l??ding t? th? ?x?lu?i?n ?f leisure activities ?nd fri?nd?hi??.Th?r? is n? justification such ?? ???n?mi? n?????it? f?r this behaviour.Subj??t? ?ft?n feel th?t th?? h?v? no tim? t? t?k? ?n ?v?ning ?r a w??k?nd ?ff t? g? ?n ?n outing ?r just relax.They m?? k??? ???t??ning a ?l???ur?bl? ??tivit?, ?u?h ?? a v???ti?n, ?? th?t it never t?k?? place.Wh?n th?? do t?k? tim? for l?i?ur? activities ?r v???ti?n?, th?? are v?r? uncomfortable unless they h?v? t?k?n ?l?ng ??m?thing t? w?rk on ?? as n?t t? “w??t? tim?.”Th? workaholic is driven b? the desire t? ??hi?v? ?nd earn approval from ?th?r?.Thi? driv? is ?? strong th?t it becomes a ??n?uming black h?l? ?u?king ?v?r?thing extraneous int? it? void.Th? w?rk?h?li? is not ??nt?nt t? set ?nd achieve g??l? ?nd ??rf?rm w?ll.Th? ??n?? ?f ??ntr?l and power that ??m?? thr?ugh doing w?ll at w?rk (wh?t?v?r th?t work m?? b?) becomes a source ?f ?ddi?ti?n fr?m whi?h the ??r??n ??nn?t break free.B???u?? ?f this, ?n? variables attached t? w?rk b???m? a ??ur?? ?f stress to the workaholic.Th? w?rk?h?li? feels compelled t? control th??? variables in ?rd?r t? maintain a sense ?f ???urit?.This int?n?? n??d to exert control ?v?r every potential variable l??d? t? stress and excessive worrying ?b?ut things ?ntir?l? ?ut ?f th?ir ??ntr?l.The ??r??n m?? b?h?v? im?ul?iv?l? to tr? and take ??ntr?l or th?? may shift bl?m?, r?ti?n?liz? or di????i?t? from ?n??n? or thing which thr??t?n? th?ir perceived control.Obvi?u?l?, relationships suffer in thi? ??rt ?f ?lim?t?.Th? workaholic cannot see h?w th?? ?r? d?m?ging r?l?ti?n?hi?? b???u?? their tunn?l-vi?i?n ?nl? ?ll?w? th?m t? ??? wh?t contributes t? their work success ?nd f?ilur?? ?r? not th?ir ?r?bl?m. F?r a tim?, thi? ?ingl? f??u? ?n w?rk and achievement ??n ?r?du?? adrenaline ru?h??. The ??r??n will work h?rd?r and l?ng?r t? experience th??? f??ling? r????t?dl?.H?w?v?r, the body ?v?ntu?ll? will b???m? ?xh?u?t?d by ?u?h narrow ?nd d?m?nding thinking.As w?rk ?????? to b? th? f??u? ?f ?dr?n?lin? ?nd th? surges ?f ???itiv? ?n?rg? w?n?, their sense ?f control ebbs ?nd ?ng?r t?k?? ?v?r.Th? w?rk?h?li? b?gin? t? ??? th? cost of their n?r?i??i?m in br?k?n r?l?ti?n?hi?? and lost ????rtuniti??.Thi? m?? drive the w?rk?h?li? to bur? th?m??lv?? in more w?rk to ?????? painful r??liti??.TH? H?RD WORKER   V?. TH? WORKAHOLICA hard worker i? emotionally ?r???nt for th?ir f?mil?, fri?nd?, and co-workers and m?n?g?? t? m?int?in a r?l?tiv?l? healthy balance between w?rk ?blig?ti?n? and ??r??n?l responsibilities.They may h?v? ??ri?d? of ?v?rw?rking t? m??t a m?j?r deadline or an ?m?rg?n?? situation; h?w?v?r, the extra h?ur? are temporary.After th? ????ifi? goal i? met, th?? ??n return t? a m?r? balanc ed ??h?dul?.Clini??l ????h?l?gi?t B?rb?r? Killinger, Ph.D., ????i?liz?? in W?rk?h?li?m ?nd ?h? ?ugg??t? th?t every worker m?k?? a resolution to save 25-percent ?f th?ir ?n?rg? t? bring home ?v?r? night. She ?l?? recommends bl??king ?ff w??k?nd? ?nd n?t giving in t? t?m?t?ti?n? t? w?rk ?n d??? ?ff.Workaholics ?truggl? t? m?k? th??? distinctions.Th?ir mind? are ??tur?t?d with th?ught? th?t ??rt?in ?nl? t? job performance and w?rking giv?? them ?n adrenaline-high.Ev?n ?ft?r ??hi?ving one g??l, th?? only move ?n t? the n?xt ?n? and th?n a m?r? ?mbiti?u? ?n? ?ft?rw?rd. Staying ?t?gn?nt i? considered f?iling.W?rk?h?li?? ??t fast, t?lk f??t and cram ?? m?n? t??k? as ????ibl? int? their ??h?dul?.While th?? t?nd to have g??d multit??king ?biliti??, ?v?r time ?v?n the best multitasker will f?lt?r.Thi? leads to even m?r? ??rf?rm?n?? ?nxi?t? ?nd gr?wing internal chaos as th?? f??u? ?n controlling ?v?r? ??ti?n and ?v?r??n? ?r?und them.Th?? mu?t do thing? b?tt?r th?n ?v?r??n? elseH?r? ?r? Some K? ? Differences B?tw??n H?rd W?rk?r? ?nd WorkaholicsH?rd w?rk?r? think of w?rk ?? a r?quir?d and (?t tim??) ?l???ur?bl? ?blig?ti?n. W?rk?h?li?? ??? w?rk ?? a way t? di?t?n?? themselves fr?m unwanted f??ling? and r?l?ti?n?hi??.H?rd workers keep w?rk in ?h??k ?? th?? can b? ?v?il?bl? t? their f?mil? and fri?nd?. Workaholics believe th?t w?rk i? more important than ?n?thing ?l?? in th?ir liv??, in?luding f?mil? ?nd friends.Workaholics g?t ?x?it?m?nt fr?m m??ting im????ibl? d?m?nd?. H?rd w?rk?r? d?n’t.H?rd w?rk?r? can take breaks fr?m w?rk whil? w?rk?h?li?? can’t. Th?? think about work regardless ?f what they’re d?ing ?r wh? th??’r? with.AR? YOU A WORKAHOLIC? SIGNS THAT ??U AR?! 1. You Don’t Know How To DelegateIn your ????, a job w?ll d?n? can only b? done b? ??u.Wh? ri?k someone else ???iling th??? important fil?? wh?n you ??uld ju?t do ?ll the w?rk yourself?Of ??ur??, d?ing th? j?b? ?f th? wh?l? t??m m??n? you n??d t? ??m? into work ?n S?turd??, ?nd probably Sund??…2. Your Relationships Are StrainedWorkaholics n??d t? l??k n? furth?r than to th?ir loved ?n?? f?r ?ign? ?f their w?rk ?ddi?ti?n.F?mil? m?mb?r? ?nd close friends are ?ft?n the fir?t t? f??l th?ir ?b??n??.“Wh?n ????l? wh? l?v? us t?ll us, ‘I n?v?r see ??u’ ?r ‘??u’r? never ?r?und,’” it’? tim? t? re-evaluate ?ur work-life b?l?n??.Workaholics tend t? mi?? im??rt?nt life mil??t?n?? like anniversaries and birthd??? b???u?? ?f w?rk.Th?? h?v? a hard time ???ing “n?” to th? b??? ?nd an ?v?n h?rd?r time ???ing “yes” t? th? f?mil?.Eventually marital issues tend t? ?urf???.According t? a 1999 study, ????l? in m?rri?g?? with ?n? ?r m?r? workaholic, the div?r?? rate i? 40 percent high?r ?nd th? damage d???n’t stop th?r?. Childr?n of w?rk?h?li?? t?nd t? suffer from anxiety and eventual become depressed.3. You Set Your Alarm At 3am To Check Your Emails (Just In Case!)Despite th? tim? diff?r?n??? b?tw??n ??untri??, ??u w?nt t? ?r?v? t? your clients th?t you’re available wh?n?v?r th?? need you and thi? m??n? waking up in the middl? ?f the night.Lu?kil?, ??u ?l??? with your ?m?rt?h?n? under ??ur ?ill?w ?? ?n? vibr?ti?n? signifying n?w ?m?il? wake you from your slumber ?nd ??u never kn?w when ??u might h?v? to email ??ur b??? ?b?ut a n?w ?r?????l.Some ?f ??ur b??t id??? ??m? ?t night.4. It Starts Taking A Toll On Your Physical HealthEv?n worse th?n n?t t?king a lun?h br??k, ??m? ????l? ?r? so ?r????d f?r tim? th?t th?? ?ki? meals ?ntir?l? in ?rd?r t? ??ntinu? working.Al??, m?n? w?rk?h?li?? ?r? sleep d??riv?d ?? a r??ult ?f ?utting in ?? m?n? long h?ur? ?nd b?ing unable t? m?nt?ll? d?t??h th?m??lv?? fr?m th?ir job.When ??ur ?tr??? r????n?? is trum?ing your r??t ?nd dig??t r????n??, what h????n? is our body secretes cortisol, ?dr?n?lin? and a l?t ?f ?th?r hormones that are r??ll? detrimental physically, ?x?l?in? R?bin??n. We kn?w f?r a f??t these thing? lower our immun? system. Th?? ?l?g ?ur ?rt?ri??. So th?? ?r??t? all kind? of ?h??i??l illn?????.Ov?r time, th ? prolonged mental ?nd ?h??i??l ?tr??? ??n l??d to more ??ri?u? health i??u?? and if you truly ??r? ?b?ut ??ur work ?ut?ut, ??ull cut d?wn on ?tr??? whenever ????ibl? ?? ??u can ?n?ur? your futur? w?rk ?r?du?tivit? i?nt hampered b? illn???.5. First In, Last OutThe most ?bvi?u? of ?ign? you are a workaholic i? th?t ??u ?rriv? in ??ur workplace w?ll b?f?r? ?n? of your ??ll??gu??, ?nd ??u are still th?r? l?ng after ?v?r??n? ?l?? h?? g?n? h?m?, ???rt from th? night ?l??ning ?t?ff.It’? ok t? d? thi? in order t? d?liv?r a d??dlin? but not ??n?i?t?ntl?, ?nd certainly it shouldn’t b???m? a h?bit.Even m?r? ??, if ??u aren’t ??id for th? overtime. If you need t? ???nd ?ll thi? extra tim? to ?im?l? get ??ur w?rk done, ?ith?r you need t? reassess h?w ??u work t? become m?r? productive ?nd cut d?wn ?n th? h?ur?, ?r you n??d t? talk t? your boss ?b?ut th?m increasing staff r???ur???.6. Hobby? What Hobby?Workaholics d?n’t h?v? h?bbi?? or rather put, their hobbies are their works.From previ ous r????r?hes done, I can arguable say that when workaholics are n?t at w?rk, they’r? working fr?m h?m?.Th?r? simply aren’t ?n?ugh h?ur? in th? d?? to r??d, knit, or build m?d?l? ?f ?ir?l?n?? as well.The l??t tim? ??u saw a m?vi? it w?? Th? Godfather in 1972 because ??u h??rd it was ?b?ut a ?u?????ful f?mil?-run business and you ?nd?d u? taking an important bu?in??? ??ll in th? middle of it. Thi? i? classic w?rk?h?li?m.7. You Work While On VacationY?u finally m?d? all th? ?rr?ng?m?nt? ?nd broke th? n?w? t? ??ur b??? that you’d be g?n? f?r a w??k.Did ??u also bring your computer ?nd tell ?v?r??n? th?t you’d b? r???h?bl? vi? ?m?il?Of ??ur?? ??u did.Would the w?rld end if you w?r? out ?f touch for ?n? w??k? Thi? is a big indi??t?r th?t work is t?king over your lif?.“Lik? m??t arts, th? link between th? mind ?nd th? pen ??n ?h?in ??u lik? ?n ?n?l?v?d w?rk?h?li?. Ev?n ?n an int?nd?d vacation you ?udd?nl? h?v? thi? kill?r urg? t? r???rd wh?t?v?r th? v???ti?n m?? t???h.  Criss J?mi, H??l?l?g?WHY DO PEOPLE EVEN BECOME WORKAHOLICS IN THE FIRST PLACE?So why do ????l? even become w?rk?h?li?? in the first ?l????W? ?r? t?lking about w?rk h?r?.How does th?t ?v?n h????n?W?ll, some people ?l?im to h?v? a g??d reason, and th?n th?r? ?r? th??? with ju?t a r????n.1. Stage Of Professional CareerThi? is some w?rth und?r?t?nding, but ?till d???n’t make it right th?ugh.If ??u ?r? ?t?rting out ?r just h?v? a f?w ???r? ?f experience, ??u will always f??l insecure in terms ?f how your m?n?g?r w?uld think about ??u wh?n ??m??r?d to ??ur ???r?.You w?uld f??l th?t if ??u ?ut in ?xtr? h?ur?, it may lead to b?tt?r ???r?i??l?.2. Has No Life Outside WorkTh? workaholic h?? a b?d ?itu?ti?n ?ut?id? of w?rk.M??b? they ?r? unh???? in their marriage, m??b? th?? d?nt lik? th?ir r??mm?t??, maybe th?? live alone ?nd w?t?hing TV in an ?m?t? apartment makes th?m d??r????d.Whatever th? ?itu?ti?n, a l?t of w?rk?h?li?? are workaholics b???u?? that ?ll?w? them t? ?????? a part ?f th?ir life th ey di?lik?.3. MoneyThis i? something whi?h has th? ability to attract ?n??n? and everyone.If ??u ?r? g?tting ?v?rtim? f?r ?n? numb?r of h?ur? ??u ?it outside ?f w?rk, th?n m?r? often th?n n?t you would prefer to ?t?? till l?t?.Aft?r ?ll, m?r? work tr?n?l?t?? t? m?r? m?n??.4. To Gain RecognitionPeople who d?di??t? th?m??lv?? fully t? th?ir work ?ft?n d? ?? t? gain r???gniti?n fr?m th?ir ???r? and ??ll??gu??.It b???m?? ?ll about ?mbiti?n, r?????t ?nd recognition.It might m?k? ??n??, but it d???n’t ?x?u?? workaholism.5. Because Every Other Person Is Doing ItIn th? ??m? vein, w?rk?h?li?m b???m?? like an arms r??? in many ?ffi??? ?nd sucks in even ????l? who wouldnt normally b? competitive ju?t so they ??n survive.On?? ?n? ??r??n starts ?t??ing l?t? ?v?r? d??, ?th?r people ?t?rt staying as well because th?? dont w?nt t? be ???n ?? the l?z? gu? wh?n ??rf?rm?n?? r?vi?w season rolls around.J?hn the workaholic ?t??? till 6 at fir?t, but th?n ?v?r??n? ?t?rt? staying until 6 ?? John ?t?rt? ? t??ing till 7 t? l??k even b?tt?r ?nd so on.6. They Get An Adrenaline Rush When They Reach A GoalP???l? ??n ?x??ri?n?? ?n adrenaline ru?h when th?? r???h a g??l.A w?rk?h?li? can thus get ?ddi?t?d t? this ru?h ?nd always ???k t? r???h it.7. ManagerIf ??ur manager g?n?r?ll? ?it? l?t?, ??u w?uld m??t ?r?b?bl? ?it l?t? if you w?nt to get ??m? good ??mm?nt? ?b?ut ??ur w?rk, but th?n thi? could ?l?? b??kfir? ?n ??u.Your manager m?? ?t?rt t? think that ??u t?k? ?xtr? hours to ??m?l?t? any kind ?f w?rk.8. CompetitionThi? is one ?f th? m??t im??rt?nt f??t?r? f?r ????l? w?rking b???nd th?ir limit?.C?m??titi?n f?r ?l???? and r?l?? in any organization ??n l??d t? diffi?ult ?itu?ti?n? among employees ?nd m?n?g?r?. And ?? each ?n? h?? to ??n?t?ntl? stay ?n hi? / h?r toes t? ?n?ur? that th? b??t one survives.Th?r?f?r?, v?r? competitive persons latch ?nt? w?rk ?? a result ?f this ??m??titi?n.Also wh?n ????l? l??v? ??h??l ?nd enter the w?rkf?r??, th?r? arent nearly as many outlets f?r competitive pe ople. P???l? who defined themselves by b?ing great at ???rt?, or debate, or ?tud?nt g?v?rnm?nt, or whatever n? l?ng?r h?v? th?t t? d?fin? th?ir life so th?? use work ?? a r??l???m?nt.OUTCOMES OF WORKAHOLISMTh? ?umul?tiv? b?d? ?f research ?u???rt? th? id?? that workaholism h?? n?g?tiv? ??n??qu?n???.A m?t?-?n?l?ti? finding? b? Cl?rk and ?? overwhelmingly ?h?w th?t w?rk?h?li?m is ?????i?t?d with negative ?ut??m?? f?r th? individu?l, for th? w?rk?h?li?’? family, ?nd ?v?n f?r the ?rg?niz?ti?n.S?m? ?f th? ?tr?ng??t negative r?l?ti?n?hi?? were found b?tw??n w?rk?h?li?m and j?b ?tr???, w?rk-lif? ??nfli?t ?nd burn?ut.On? particularly noteworthy finding fr?m th? m?t?-?n?l??i? w?? th?t workaholism was not ?ignifi??ntl? r?l?t?d to ??rf?rm?n??, whi?h indi??t?? th?t even th?ugh w?rk?h?li?? may ???nd m?r? tim? thinking ?b?ut ?nd ?h??i??ll? engaging in w?rk than th? ?v?r?g? worker, thi? m?? not b? of ?n? b?n?fit to their ?m?l???r ?r ?v?n the employees career.In contrast, th? meta-analytic ?tudi?? inv??tig?ting th? outcomes of work engagement have f?und a ???itiv? ?????i?ti?n b?tw??n work ?ng?g?m?nt ?nd m?n? positive ?ut??m??, in?luding improved ?rg?niz?ti?n?l ??rf?rm?n??; a finding that furth?r ?m?h??iz?? the differences b?tw??n workaholism ?nd work engagement.THE DANGERS OF BEING A WORKAHOLIC; WHY WORKAHOLISM IS BAD FOR YOU Although ??m? managers may f??l ???r?tl? happy wh?n they’ve hir?d ??m??n? wh? i? willing to w?rk ?ll hours ?f th? d?? and night, in the l?ng-t?rm, it hurt? ??m??ni?? ?nd individu?l? ?lik?.A 2013 study by K?n??? St?t? University found that ????l? wh? work more th?n 50 h?ur? ??r week w?r? likely t? suffer both ?h??i??l and mental h??lth ??n??qu?n???.The Research that attempts t? quantify th? relationship b?tw??n h?ur? w?rk?d ?nd ?r?du?tivit? found th?t ?m?l???? ?ut?ut f?ll? ?h?r?l? after a 50-h?ur w?rk-w??k, ?nd f?ll? ?ff a ?liff after 55 hoursâ€"so mu?h so th?t ??m??n? wh? ?ut? in 70 hours ?r?du??? nothing more with th??? ?xtr? 15 h?ur?, ????rding t? a ?tud? ?ubli?h?d l??t ???r b? J?hn P?n??v?l ?f St?nf?rd Univ?r?it?.L?ng?r h?ur? have ?l?? been ??nn??t?d t? absenteeism and ?m?l???? turnover.The C?ntr?? f?r Di????? Control and Pr?v?nti?n ?v?n h?? an ?ntir? website d?v?t?d t? th? ?ff??t? ?f l?ng working h?ur? ?v?n if w?rk?r? ?r?nt ??id f?r this ?xtr? tim?. It? n?t fr??, P?n??v?l ??int? ?ut. Research shows that output reduces significantly after 50 hour work week.Th? in?bilit? to detach from w?rk m?? initi?ll? ?????r t? r??ult in in?r????d ?r?du?tivit?.H?w?v?r, ov?r time, ?r?du?tivit? d??r????? ?nd r?l?ti?n?hi?? br??kd?wn. The stress takes a ?umul?tiv? effect ?nd ?v?ntu?ll?, the ?ddi?ti?n t? w?rk ??n in?r???? health ri?k? ?nd ?v?n contribute t? ?r?m?tur? d??th.W?rking long h?ur? also sets up ?n int?r??ting dynamic.Th? more people w?rk, th? m?r? m?n?? th?? ??rn. But th? l?ng?r h?ur? reduce th? amount of l?i?ur? tim? ?v?il?bl? t? enjoy spending some of the m?n??. With?ut ?v?n r??lizing, lif? can qui?kl? b???m? ?ll w?rk ?nd no ?l?? if you’re n?t ??r?ful.S? h?r? ?r? a f?w bull?t ??int? wh? w?rk?h?li?m is r??ll? b?d f?r ??u ?nd ?v?r??n? ?r?und ??u:1. You Can’t Keep It Up ForeverFirst ?f ?ll, ??u ju?t can’t k??? ?t it for ?v?r.In short, w?rk?h?li?? burn ?ut.Wh?t m?? b?gin ?? ?im?l? ???nding a few ?xtr? h?ur? ?t the office ?v?r? week can quickly spiral into mu?h m?r? dest ructive behaviour b???u?? w?rk?h?li?? don’t t?k? th? tim? to give th?m??lv?? a br??k?All that n?n?t?? ??tivit? can r??ult in b?d personal h?bit? and ultimately lead to wh?t ?n? ?x??rt called “in?????it?ting burnout.’”2. Not Taking Vacations Hurts Your CareerNot t?king v???ti?n? hurt? you in more ways th?n ??u ??n im?gin?.It’? ??tu?ll? really b?d f?r th? ???n?m? t??.Americans l?ft some $52.4 billion w?rth ?f unu??d v???ti?n tim? ?n th? t?bl? in 2013.That m?k?? dit?hing v???ti?n b?th one of th? most ???tl? and ??mm?n w??? Am?ri??n? ?v?rw?rk th?m??lv??. W?rk?r? that d?n’t t?k? vacation were also f?und t? b? l??? ?r?du?tiv? ?nd ???r? lower ?n performance reviews, a 2006 ?tud? found.The report f?r th? U.S. Tr?v?l A????i?ti?n ??id th? average Am?ri??n with ??id tim? ?ff (PTO) u??d 16 ?f 20.9 v???ti?n days in 2013, d?wn fr?m an ?v?r?g? ?f 20.3 d??? ?ff fr?m 1976 to 2000. It added th?t 169 million d??? of permanently forfeited U.S. vacation time ??u?t?d t? $52.4 billi?n in lost b?n?fit?. “By choosing to w?rk in?t??d ?f taking PTO, employees are ????nti?ll? w?rking for th?ir ?m?l???r? f?r free,” th? ?n?l??i? ??id. The report did n?t giv? a reason for the dr?? in vacation time but the fall ??in?id?d with th? 2007-2009 r?????i?n ?nd a ?l?w ???n?mi? r???v?r?. An Ipsos/Reuters ?urv?? in 2010 found th?t only 57 percent ?f Am?ri??n? u??d ?ll th?ir v???ti?n tim?. W??lthi?r w?rk?r? t?nd to ??rn m?r? v???ti?n days, ?nd also leave more ?f it on th? t?bl?, according t? th? study. P???l? with ?n ?nnu?l in??m? ?f m?r? than $150,000 f?il?d t? use ?n ?v?r?g? ?f 6.5 v???ti?n d??? l??t ???r, while th??? with less th?n $29,000 did n?t use 3.7 d??? ?n ?v?r?g?. Employees who f?rf?it?d ??id time off d? n?t g?t m?r? raises ?r b?nu??? th?n those who t?k? ?ll th?ir vacation tim?. Th?? ?l?? report high?r l?v?l? of ?tr??? ?t w?rk, th? ?urv?? said. “Am?ri??’? w?rk m?rt?r? aren’t more ?u?????ful. W? need t? ?h?ng? ?ur thinking. All work and n? ?l?? i? not going t? g?t ??u ?h ??d it’? ?nl? going t? g?t ??u m?r? ?tr???,” R?g?r D?w, president ?nd CEO of th? U.S. Travel A????i?ti?n, ??id in a ?t?t?m?nt ????m??n?ing th? r???rt. Th? analysis was prepared by Oxf?rd E??n?mi??, a f?r????ting group. It u??d Labor D???rtm?nt d?t? ?nd a Jun? ?urv?? ?f 1,303 w?rk?r? b? GfK Publi? Aff?ir? ?nd Corporate C?mmuni??ti?n? in ??njun?ti?n with Oxf?rd E??n?mi??.3. Your Brain Needs BreaksY?ur brain doesn’t w?rk ?n batteries, ?v?n l??t??? n??d to be ?wit?h?d off once in a whil?.OK, so maybe ??u t?k? a couple ?f vacations, but d? you ?l?? l??v? time to t?k? a br??k or tw? during the day?Giving ??ur br?in some d?wn tim? is ????nti?l to increasing ?r?du?tivit?.A r???nt ?tud? found that th? ideal w?rk-t?-br??k ratio ?h?uld b? 52 minut?? ?f work followed b? a 17-minut? br??k.Th? ?tud? i? b??k?d u? by ??v?r?l others th?t h?v? found giving ??ur br?in some tim? to relax ?nd day dr??m in?r????? ?r?du?tivit?, problem-solving ?nd ?r??tivit?.R?????h ?h?w? th?t your br?in n??d? a r? ?t ?n?? in a whil?. W?rk?r? who used ??m?ut?r ??ftw?r? to r?mind themselves ?????i?n?ll? t? ???um? g??d ???tur?, take ?h?rt br??k? ?nd ?????i?n?ll? ?tr?t?h, do more ???ur?t? w?rk ?nd ?? a r??ult ?r? m?r? productive, according to a ?tud? b? Cornell Univ?r?it?.4. Eating Lunch At Your Desk Is Bad For YouY?u could actually g?t f?t ?ll in th? name ?f w?rk.For ?n?, a lun?h br??k is a ??rf??t tim? to r??h?rg? ??ur br?in.But ?v?n ju?t th? ?h??i??l activity ?f g?tting u? and away fr?m your desk can help im?r?v? ?r?du?tivit? ?nd ?t?v? ?ff ?b??it?.A recent U.K. ?tud? f?und th?t ????l? wh? ?t? more m??l? ?t work were m?r? lik?l? t? be ?v?rw?ight.Wh?t’? more?Ex??rt? agree that gr?bbing lunch with ??-w?rk?r? and clients ??n b? a gr??t way t? network ?nd furth?r ??ur ??r??r, whi?h ??tu?ll? works for you ??r??n?ll? instead ?f ?utting m?r? money in ??ur boss’s pocket.5. Constantly Checking Email Wastes Your LifeN? matter wh?t you t?ll ??ur??lf, ??n?t?ntl? b?ing ?n your work ?m?il i?n’t helping your state ?f mind or your ?r?du?tivit?.A 2012 ?tud? f?und that wh?n w?rk?r? were f?r??d t? t?k? a five-day br??k fr?m work email th?? experienced l??? stress ?nd b???m? more ?ffi?i?nt at ??m?l?ting w?rk tasks.W?rk?r? wh? ?n?w?r emails late int? th? evening were ?l?? more lik?l? to be exhausted th? n?xt d?? and h?n?? l??? engaged, tw? 2014 studies found.TREATMENT FOR WORKAHOLICS B?ing a w?rk?h?li? shouldn’t be a status ??mb?l â€" in?t??d it ?h?uld be tr??t?d as a ??ri?u? ??nditi?n.On? ?f th? m?in ?r?bl?m? with tr??ting workaholism is th?t the Diagnostic ?nd St?ti?ti??l M?nu?l d??? n?t ??t r???gniz? it ?? an ?ddi?ti?n in th? ??m? w?? alcohol, drug, ?r g?mbling ?ddi?ti?n? ?r? diagnosed.That means in?ur?n?? r?imbur??m?nt for treatment may n?t b? available.H?l? i? ?till available, however.Treatment ??n range fr?m ?tt?nding self-helpgroups lik? w?rk?h?li?? ?n?n?m?u? to checking into a residential treatment ??ntr?. Therapy usually inv?lv?? l??rning how t? di??ng?g? fr?m w?rk, finding ? tr?t?gi?? to r?-?ng?g? with f?mil?, and identifying m?th?d? t? become m?r? ?ffi?i?nt.P?rh??? the b??t course ?f action is t? d?v?l?? ??lf-?w?r?n??? ?f ?n? t?nd?n?i?? ??u m?? h?v? to become a w?rk?h?li?.M?nit?r th? tim? ??u’r? putting int? w?rk ?nd t?k? n?ti?? wh?n your w?rk life is ?r??ting ?r?bl?m? in ??ur ??r??n?l life.Pr??ti?? di??ng?g?m?nt, take regular v???ti?n?, ?nd set healthy b?und?ri?? t? develop a w?rk-lif? b?l?n?? th?t will ?r?v?nt you from b???ming a w?rk?h?li?.HERE IS WHAT TO DO TO OVERCOME WORKAHOLISM1. Admitting There Is An IssueThi? i? ?t?? ?n? in dealing with any f?rm ?f addiction. Y?u h?v? t? quit th? d?ni?l.You h?v? t? acknowledge th?t ??ur ???r???h t? w?rk has t? change, n?t just f?r your ?wn benefit, but f?r the b?n?fit of your loved ones.You ?h?uld think ?b?ut wh?t ??ur life will b? like 2 years, 5 ???r?, ?nd 10 years int? th? futur? if ??u d?n’t m?k? ?h?ng??.W?rk?h?li?? f??u? ?n th? short term, th? ?urr?nt t??k?, th? n?xt d??dlin? (‘d??d â€" lin?’ bein g ?n int?r??ting term!) but wh?t’? th? bigg?r picture, wh?t ?r? the l?ng-t?rm ??n??qu?n??? ?f ??ur habitual b?h?vi?ur?2. Say Goodbye To GuiltY?u ??tu?ll? left w?rk t? g?t a f?w hours ?f sleep or attend ??ur ?hild’? g?m? d???it? n?t being fini?h?d with ?v?r?thing you w?nt?d t? ????m?li?h, and now ??u feel guilt? about it.That’s n?t right and i? d?finit?l? n?t h?l?ful. Y?u shouldn’t give guilt th? tim? ?f day, because ??u’r? going t? w?rk smarter, n?t h?rd?r.And ju?t because you’re ?h???ing t? work differently, doesn’t mean the qu?lit? of ??ur w?rk will ?uff?r.In fact, it m?? improve with ??ur n?w f??u?.Just r?m?mb?r, guilt is a u??l??? ?m?ti?n th?t d???n’t ??rv? a ?ur???? ?x???t t? m?k? ??u f??l bad.Kick it t? the curb, ?nd ?mbr??? work with?ut guilt!3. Learn To Walk AwayNo more burning the midnight ?il.Allowing work t? take ?v?r your lif? i? unh??lth? and foolish.Giv? ??ur??lf a ??t tim? f?r work ?nd ?ti?k t? it.That means n? taking work home with you during th? week ?nd n? w?rking ?n th? w??k?nd?.You m?? h?v? to t?k? baby ?t??? at first, like w?rking ?n? h?ur l??? a day or n?t t?king w?rk h?m? th? fir?t f?w w??k?.Th?n you can ?dd m?r? r??tri?ti?n? ?? ??u ?dju?t.4. Ask For AssistanceIt is v?r? difficult t? battle ?n? form ?f ?ddi?ti?n ?l?n? or in isolation.Speak with ??ur f?mil?, share ??ur ??n??rn?, ??k f?r their in?ut.At work, ??n ??u have a conversation with your m?n?g?r/ dir??t?r, HR, a ??ll??gu?, ?n ?xt?rn?l ?r?f???i?n?l?From experience, if framed ???itiv?l?, most m?n?g?r? will b? ?u???rtiv?, especially if in th? long-term ?dju?tm?nt? will h?l? you be m?r? ?r?du?tiv?.5. Identify What You Can Stop DoingW?’v? ?ll heard of th? ?hr??? ‘working smarter.’W?rking ?m?rt?r i? always about identifying t??k? ??u n??d t? ?t?? d?ing. Workaholics h?v? l?ngth? ‘to do’ lists, it’? tim? n?w for a ‘not t? d?’ li?t.Think b??k ?v?r th? l??t tw? w??k?, with th? b?n?fit ?f hind?ight wh?t ??uld you h?v? dropped?St?rt with b?b? ?t??? â€" wh?t ?n? t??k could ??u remove fr?m n?xt w??k’? ‘t? d?’ list th?t ??rh??? i? ju?t h?bit ?r n? l?ng?r adds v?lu??6. Unplug During Lunch And BreaksNo more ??ting at ??ur desk.Th? best thing ??u can d? f?r yourself is d?t??h fr?m your work during breaks ?nd lunch, ?nd ?t?? ?itting ?ll d??.G? f?r a ?h?rt walk ?r meet a fri?nd for lun?h.G?tting away from your desk/office giv?? your br?in a break ?nd giv?? ??u a ?h?n?? t? unwind fr?m w?rk ?tr???, ?lu? it gets ??u m?ving.If you need a littl? m?r? encouragement t? n?t eat at your d??k, according t? microbiologists at the Univ?r?it? ?f Ariz?n?, th? ?v?r?g? d??k h?rb?ur? 400 tim?? more bacteria than th? ?v?r?g? toilet seat! B?n ????tit!7. Define A Healthier Work Life Balance?Y?u n??d t? get ?uri?u? about h?w thing? ??n be diff?r?nt? What w?uld a h??lthi?r w?rk life balance l??k lik?? Unl??? ??u can imagine something diff?r?nt, it will be diffi?ult to ?r??t? it.Wh?t are some ?f th? personal lif? ‘results’ you w?nt t? ??hi?v? ?v?r th? n?xt 6 m ?nth?? Wh?t fun ??tivit? ??uld ??u plan? P?r??n?l lif? ??nn?t just b? wh?t’? l?ft when w?rk i? done!8. Take VacationsSt?rt with t?king a v???ti?n.Everyone n??d? tim? away from w?rk, ?nd th? ?tr??? and responsibilities th?t go along with it. I’m b?tting ??u h?v? ?l?nt? of vacation tim? stockpiled!So t?k? it!Separate ??ur work lif? from ??ur ??r??n?l lif?.Focus on the thing? th?t ?r? really im??rt?nt t? ??u, like ??u, ??ur family and fri?nd?, ?nd r??h?rg?. If ??u ??h?dul? ??ur vacations in ?dv?n??, you w?n’t be ?? tempted t? blow th?m ?ff wh?n th? next big ?r?j??t comes ?r?und.And r?m?mb?r, n? ?h??king in with th? ?ffi?? whil? ??u’r? away.9. Stop Being Achievement-MotivatedThere’s nothing wr?ng with achievements ?r being proud ?f th?m, it’s a natural thing to feel g??d ?b?ut wh?t ??u’v? accomplished. But it shouldn’t b? th? ?nl? thing th?t m?tiv?t?? ??u.What’s a b?tt?r m?tiv?ti?n?D?ing thing? ??u l?v?, creating something great, being with ????l? ??u love, and d?ing t hings th?t are ?x?iting.If your w?rk i? ??m?thing you l?v?, something th?t ?x?it?? you, th?t’? great.Y?u’r? b?tt?r ?ff than most, ??tu?ll?.But th?r?’? g?t to b? more â€" wh?t else giv?? you joy? D? ??u h?v? hobbies you love? D? ??u lik? d?ing ?n?thing outdoors? Do you h?v? f?mil? m?mb?r? or friends you love?Figure ?ut 4-5 thing? that truly make you happy and ?x?it? you â€" ?t l???t ?n? of them ?h?uld be a ??r??n ?r ??r??n?, and one ?f th? ?th?r? mu?t be non-work-related.Y?u need ??m? b?l?n?? in your lif?.G?t excited ?b?ut th??? thing?, ?nd b? motivated b? ??ur l?v? f?r th?m. If you h?v? a ???u?? ?nd kids, f?r ?x?m?l?, let your lif? b? m?tiv?t?d with th? th?ught ?f ???nding time with th?m.10. Learn To Relax And De-StressThi? should be the easiest step (it’s fun, after ?ll) but f?r m?n? ????l? it i?n’t.There ?r? many w??? t? r?l?x ?nd de-stress, but we’ll ju?t t?u?h ?n a couple ?f ??int?.First, take it in ?m?ll ?t???.If ??u have a h?rd time r?l?xing, ??u d?n’t need to ta ke a whole w??k ?r a month t? d? it at fir?t, but l?t?r, ??u might want t? try thi? though.F?r now, just tr? it in 10- or 15-minut? in?r?m?nt?. Y?u’ll get th? h?ng ?f it, ?nd b? ?bl? t? d? it f?r mu?h longer.S???nd, schedule a ?h??i??l activity ju?t about ?v?r? d??.This ??uld be walking ?r running or ???ling ?r ?wimming ?r ?l??ing basketball or ?????r or whatever. A? long as you’re doing something, ?r?f?r?bl? ?utd??r? if weather permits.Ag?in, just ?t?rt ?ut with 10 ?r 15 minut?? a d??. It might take ??m? experimenting t? find ?n ??tivit? you enjoy, so feel free t? tr? ?ut diff?r?nt thing?.Third, ??h?dul? ??m? ??litud?.This ??uld b? 10 minutes of reading ?l?n?, or walking qui?tl?, ?r relaxing with a h?t bath, or m?dit?ting. You ?h?uld d? it in silence, alone, with n? distractions.A peaceful setting is b??t, with?ut ?lutt?r or people kn??king ?n ??ur d??r.Ask ??ur ??-w?rk?r? (if it’s at work) ?r f?mil? m?mb?r? (if at h?m?) t? ?l???? h?l? ??u ?ut ?nd r?????t this time ?f solitud e.Sl?wl? stretch it fr?m 10 minutes t? 15, 20, and 30 ?nd so on until ??u h?v? 45-60 minut?? a day.ORGANIZATIONAL INTERVENTIONSThi? is ?n approach ?rg?niz?ti?n? ??n ???l? in ?v?r??ming Workaholism among their employees.M?d?rn w?rk lif? ?ft?n ???k? ?nd ??l??t? workers wh? ?r? highl? m?tiv?t?d ?nd ??mmitt?d â€" willing t? w?rk hard ?nd t? g? th? extra mil?.With this kind of workforce, it i? an ?dv?nt?g? to b? ?bl? to differentiate between h?rd work and w?rk?h?li?m ?nd be ??n??i?u? ?f int?rv?nti?n? against workaholism on th? ?rg?niz?ti?n?l level.Em?l???r?, f?r example, ??n ??t?bli?h n?rm? and v?lu?? that cater t? hard work and ?ffi?i?n?? in?t??d ?f workaholism.This ??n b? done, f?r ?x?m?l?, b? m?king ?ur? that the workplace is a ??ur?? of satisfaction ?f basic internal ????h?l?gi??l needs (?.g., ?ut?n?m?, ??m??t?n??, r?l?t?dn???).Specifically, th? ?m?l???r ??nEstablish a good balance between ?ff?rt ?nd r?w?rd,Give ?timul?ting ?nd ??tim?l ?h?ll?nging w?rk t??k?,Giv? ??ntinu?u? and ??n?t ru?tiv? f??db??k, ?ndD?fin? th? ?m?l?????’ j?b? in t?rm? of futur? ?r?????t? ?nd ???urit?.In such int?rv?nti?n?, m?n?g?m?nt l??d?r? ?l?? a ?ru?i?l r?l?.Thu?, th? ?m?l???r ??n ?m?h??iz? leadership d?v?l??m?nt, wh?r? l??d?r? are tr?in?d to recognize ?nd act in lin? with th? employees’ n??d? ?? well ?? th?ir ?wn, ?nd r??? the h?rv??t ?f ?u????? together ?? a team.In addition, m?n?g?r? ?h?uld b? ?w?r? ?f th? im??rt?n?? ?f th? im?g? th?? ?r?j??t ?? role m?d?l?, ?????i?ll? since ??m? ?tudi?? ?h?w that w?rk?h?li?m i? m?r? ?r?v?l?nt ?m?ng m?n?g?r? than ?th?r?.G?n?r?ll?, m?n?g?r? ?h?uld b? ?w?r? of h?w th?? lead their followers.A great b?d? ?f leadership research ?h?w? that tr?n?f?rm?ti?n?l l??d?r?hi? (?.g., influ?n??? thr?ugh im?g?, u??? in??ir?ti?n?l motivation, shows individu?l consideration, int?ll??tu?ll? ?timul?t?? f?ll?w?r?) i? link?d t? ?r?du?tivit? ?nd ??ti?f??ti?n ?m?ng employees, whil? th? ??ntr?r? i? the ???? f?r l?i???z-f?ir? (????iv?-?v?id?nt) ?nd unfair l??d?r?hi?.B? virtu e of th? w?? leaders communicate â€" int?nti?n?ll? ?r unint?nti?n?ll? â€" th?ir priorities, v?lu?? and ?r??um?ti?n? to th? r?m?ining ??-w?rk?r?, they have either a ???itiv? ?r a n?g?tiv? influ?n??.In turn, th? employees pick u? on th? focus of ?tt?nti?n in m?n?g?m?nt; it can m???ur?, ??ntr?l, motivate or demotivate an organization.If w?rk?h?li? behaviour is r?w?rd?d (?.g., ??m?lim?nt?d, salary in?r????, ?r?m?ti?n) it ??n ?r??t? a f?rtil? environment for workaholism.If, however, ?x????iv? and ?b????iv? working i? not m?t with a ???itiv? reaction, w?rk?h?li? b?h?vi?ur will b? d?m??n?d.Based ?n thi?, ?m?l???r? should carefully consider th?ir r?w?rd system.S?m? organizations ?rr?ng? w?rkâ€"lif? balance programs wh?r? th?? offer th?ir ?m?l????? training, f?r ?x?m?l?, in tim? management, ?tr??? ?nd relaxation techniques and in ??tting b?und?ri??.Thereby a clear m????g? i? ??nt that th? ?m?l????’? health and w?llb?ing are ?f vital im??rt?n?? ?nd ?r? highly prioritized b? the organization .One ?tud? ?m?h??iz?? that flexible w?rking h?ur? reduced reported w?rkâ€"f?mil? ??nfli?t? f?r ??m? types of w?rk?h?li?? (th? ?nthu?i??ti?), but not f?r others.Finally, it ?h?uld be m?nti?n?d th?t ?m?l???r? can also ?ff?r ??r??r ??un??lling b? u?ing internal ?r external ??n?ult?nt?.Su?h ??un??lling may ?nt?il changes in the w?rk ??nt?nt, ??t?bli?hing meaningful relations and ?timul?ti?n f?r the ?m?l???? as well ?? im?r?ving th? r?l?ti?n?hi? b?tw??n the ?m?l???? and th? work assigned to be d?n?.CONCLUSIONGiv?n the ?h?nging nature ?f the workplace, it i? ?v?n m?r? important th?n ever b?f?r? t? und?r?t?nd th? antecedents ?nd ??n??qu?n??? ?f w?rk?h?li?m.T??hn?l?g? ?dv?n??? (?.g., smartphones, ??m??n?-?u??li?d laptops) h?v? ?ll?w?d employees ??t?nti?ll? unlimit?d access t? their w?rk, and ?h?ng?? in where work occurs (?.g., telecommuting) m?? furth?r blur th? lines between w?rk ?nd h?m?.

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